
Getting started


Knowledge required

What do you need to know ?

The framework is made for PHP developers. You will have to know :

  • Obviously, some notions of PHP
  • Of course HTML, some Javascript, Css, and even Bootstrap will not hurt.
  • Notions of Object-Oriented Programming
  • The role distribution between client and web server : Entryfield is a server framework
  • Notions of SQL
  • Something about the MVC model (Model / View / Component)

Earth rise



The framework runs with various configurations from PHP 5.3 to PHP 7.x, on Linux and Windows.

To install the Entryfield Framework for PHP you will need

  • A Web server like Apache
  • PHP enabled
  • Sqlite module enabled on PHP, to use the demo application

If you use Windows, you should use an integrated Web server + PHP + SQL Configuration like Uniform server (our choice), or WAMP Server, or EasyPHP, or whatever.

See detailed instructions to install Uniform server below

If you use Linux the packages are easy to find and set up (Apache with PHP, SQLite module in PHP)

PHP / SQL Configurations are available on many other configurations ; you will have to test the Entryfield Framework by your own means though.


How to install

How to install the demo application

Copy efshare directory (contained in entryfield.zip) and put it into your "www" directory, for instance C:\Z_UniServ1332\www

Then call http://localhost/efshare

You will arrive at the splash screen of Tdlist , the demo application of Entryfield

Relax and Smile.



Detailed instructions to install a web server on your Windows PC.

Sorry if this is a bit boring. If you already have a web server + php + sqlite config don't read

I. Downloading the Uniform Server.

Go to this page https://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/files/Uniform%20Server%20ZeroXIII/

And download 13_3_2_ZeroXIII


If too superstitious, take version 12 and adapt instructions

It will result in a file on your PC : 13_3_2_ZeroXIII.exe

Execute this file and define the target PATH for the files

For various reasons, we suggest the following place C:\Z_UniServ1332\

(Keep the name short, keep the version level in the name, hide far in C:\ subdirectories)

You will then have files in C:\Z_UniServ1332\UniservZ

Move all files and directories from C:\Z_UniServ1332\UniservZ to C:\Z_UniServ1332\

Phase I is done : the Uniform Server is downloaded.

Relax and Breathe.

II. Solve a little Microsoft annoyment needed to run the Uniform Server

The case of the VC_Redist as explained in MUST_READ.txt

You have to go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=49984

Click Download Select VC_redist.x86.exe

then click Next, save the download file somewhere, then Execute it

Phase II done : Microsoft annoyment avoided.

Relax and Breathe.

III. Configure Uniform server with SQLite

Now you could launch UniController.exe

BUT before that, go to directory C:\Z_UniServ1332\core\php71 and Edit file php_production.ini

Uncomment the following lines : remove the first ; and add ; modified at the end of the line to keep track


becomes extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll; modified


becomes extension=php_sqlite3.dll ; modified

Now you can launch UniController.exe , click on the button to start Apache,
you will see the splash screen.

Oh ! You may have a warning of Windows firewall, then you will have to explicitly allow the web server to run on your PC.

Your full featured web server for Windows is installed !

Relax and Breathe.
