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Advantages and limits of the toolbox
Test website built with entrycms -
Entryfield framework for PHP
Allow full-featured lists with multiline update.
Natively multilingual.
Easy to change the design of your web application, thanks to its integrated template engine.
Builds web applications easy to put from one place to another, without changing any line of code.
Brings Freedom
Opensource under MIT license.
Brings Concision
An updating list with search function and page turning function may take 150 or 200 lines of code.
Easy to masterize for a developer working alone, while allowing easy collaboration.
Contains a routing mechanisme to allow long urls.
Small footprint : code is about 200 KO / 5000 LoC.
Stability regarding PHP evolutions (works from PHP 5.3 to PHP 7+).
Once a web application built, facilitates the maintenance.
Doesn't use command line or code generation.
Methodic and well organized
If you know PHP you know WSOD (white screen of death) :( .
A special work is done to provide readable Exceptions and avoid WSOD when using EntryField.
For a given functionality of your web application, all business logic may be written in one place.
The framework provides a structural guide about how to build your web application.
(but you may choose another structure)
Non invasive, can coexist with other techniques or frameworks.
Framework code conform to PSR/2 coding standard.
Doesn't rely on a given EDI (Integrated Development Environment).
The framework itself is object-oriented. The use of the framework may be OO or not.
Respect standards
Code organization based on MVC (Model / View / Controller)
Allows to build state-of-the-art responsive applications
The example application is responsive :)
A Framework built for PHP applications with a SQL database.
Tested OK with MySql and Sqlite. Based on PDO : other SQL databases will work.
Not interesting if you don't want to build web sites and web applications
You certainly have to know PHP, HTML, CSS to use it ;)
No advantage if you don't intend to use SQL
Do not build high traffic pages with big updating lists.
You can not have your server and eat it ;)